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Itchy Eyes? Could be Dry Eye Syndrome.

by Damion Wasylow 25 October 2016 11:19 AM

One of the most common complaints from vision patients is itchy eyes. Scratchy, irritable eyes can be uncomfortable and incredibly frustrating. The causes are varied, and effective treatments depend on the precise cause. Here are some of the frequent causes of itchy eyes.

Dry Eye Syndrome

When the eye fails to produce enough tear film, or the right mix of tear film components, itchy, dry eyes can result. Dry eye syndrome is a common affliction, affecting more than five million Americans. The symptoms of dry eye syndrome include scratchiness, redness, excessive tearing and more. Often, dry eye syndrome is caused by meibomian gland dysfunction. In these instances, the meibomian glands that line the eyelid fail to produce sufficient oils to lubricate the eye surface. LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation is frequently a recommended means of treating meibomian gland dysfunction. Untreated, dry eye syndrome can have long-term effects


Seasonal changes and environmental factors can produce many allergy symptoms, including itchy eyes. Allergens like dust, pollen and animal dander release histamines that produce itching, swelling and redness. Histamines are your body’s natural response to the introduction of elements it deems dangerous to your body. When histamines are released, they boost blood flow to the affected area, causing inflammation, which spurs your immune system to take action. Several over-the-counter remedies are available to treat allergy-induced itchy eye symptoms.

Contact Lens Issues

Contact lenses are an outstanding way to correct many vision problems, but even when properly maintained, wearing contacts can sometimes lead to contact lens discomfort and itchy eyes. Following the guidelines specified by your licensed optician should help you avoid most contact lens discomfort symptoms, but if you do experience itchy eyes, artificial tears and nutritional supplements may help. If symptoms persist, schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist to diagnose the root cause. 


Granulated eyelids, also known as blepharitis, is fairly common. When oily particles and bacteria cause blepharitis inflammation, itching is a frequent symptom. Dandruff-like skin particles collect along the eyelid, producing crusting. Primary treatment options generally include hot compresses, eyelid scrubs and nutritional supplements. More severe flare-ups may require prescription eye drops, ointments or oral medications.

If you’re dealing with itchy, burning eyes, schedule a consultation with North Florida Cataracts and Vision Care. Through our Dry Eye Center of Excellence, we specialize in diagnosing and tre



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