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How to Gently Tell a Loved One It’s Time for an Eye Exam

by Damion Wasylow 28 November 2017 13:36 PM

man talking with wife over coffee
Some people can be pretty sensitive about the possibility of vision loss. They may see it as a sign of aging, a clear indication they’re not as young as they used to be. In some cases, this can lead to denial, and lack of treatment. Failure to address vision loss, however, robs your loved one of precious moments, and can lead to frustrations for everyone around.

If you notice signs of vision loss in a loved one, try these tips to gently encourage him to schedule an eye exam. 

Schedule an exam for yourself

Even if you don’t have any discernable signs of vision loss, regular eye exams should be part of your healthcare regimen. Scheduling your own eye exam will provide a good opportunity to bring up the topic of eye care with your loved one. Consider inviting him along for your exam. Seeing firsthand what’s involved with the exam and how friendly and professional the environment is may help to overcome some roadblocks. 

Try a little flattery

If ego is part of what’s preventing your loved one from admitting his likely vision problems, try using that to your advantage. Casually comment about how handsome you think certain glasses-wearing celebrities are on TV and in movies. When you’re out together, compliment friends and acquaintances on their eyeglasses, and suggest how dapper your loved one might look in a similar pair. Don’t be disingenuous, just point out that many people truly look great in a fashionable pair of eyeglasses.

Resort to honesty

A frank, yet compassionate, expression of your concern may ultimately have the biggest impact. Start by telling him how thankful you are to have him in your life. Then, specify the warning signs that lead you to believe a comprehensive eye exam could be worthwhile. If your loved one doesn’t relent at this point, let it go…for a while. Revisit the topic in a few weeks, with the same compassion. Eventually, he will either concede and schedule an exam, or sadly, he’ll continue missing out on some of the best things in life. At the end of the day, it’s his vision and his choice. 

When the time does come to schedule a comprehensive eye exam, we hope you will consider North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care. Our talented eye care team will take great care of your loved one and provide a treatment plan that helps bring the world back into focus.

Contact us today at 352-373-4300.



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