When you have a problem, you ask an expert. At North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care, we gladly answer dozens of eyecare questions each day, from patients and friends alike. Below are some of the questions we answer most frequently.
The answers on this page are intentionally brief. Please click the “read more” links to learn even more about each topic.
1. How often should I have an eye exam?
The Mayo Clinic recommends healthy adults with no outward symptoms of eye problems should have a comprehensive eye exam every 5-10 years in your 20s and 30s, with increasing frequency as you age. By age 65, you should have an exam every 1-2 years. If you have known vision problems or risk factors, you should be examined more frequently. Read more.
2. When is it time to get prescription eyeglasses?
Five common indicators that it’s likely time to get prescription eyeglasses include blurred vision when reading small text, difficulty seeing things far away, eyestrain or tired eyes, frequent headaches and difficulty with night vision. If these sound familiar, it’s time to visit your eye doctor. Read more.
3. What should I know before getting contact lenses?
For many people with vision problems, contact lenses are a great option…so long as they are used and cared for correctly. If you are interested in contacts, your eye doctor will help you explore whether soft lenses or hard lenses may be best for you, and if any specialty lenses – like multifocals or tinted lenses – could also provide useful benefits. Read more.
4. What should I do if my eyeglasses don’t work as well anymore?
Just like the rest of your body, your eyes change over time. Sometimes, this means that eyeglasses that worked for years can no longer provide the visual clarity you’ve come to expect. An comprehensive eye exam should be able to uncover any necessary changes in your eyeglasses prescription or any new eye disorders that may be causing your symptoms. Read more.
5. What can I do about floaters?
Laser Floater Treatment (LFT) can help relieve the visual distraction and frustration of eye floaters. LFT is non-invasive and performed right in your ophthalmologist’s office. It utilizes laser pulses to precisely target and dissolve floater clumps. North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care is the only practice in the Gainesville area to offer this exciting treatment. Read more.
6. Is cataract surgery right for me?
The choice is very personal and should be made following an in-person consultation with an ophthalmologist. The two most important aspects to consider are the impact cataracts have on your quality of life, and whether you have access to an experienced cataract specialist who offers state-of-the-art technology and treatment options. Read more.
7. What should I look for in a cataract surgeon?
Choosing the right surgeon is your most important decision when it comes to cataract surgery. Take the opportunity to thoroughly screen your prospective eye surgeon. Ask about his or her training, experience, procedure options, preferred surgical center and more. The right doctor will gladly answer your questions. And, of course, make sure you feel comfortable with him or her as a person. It goes a long way to affording you peace of mind. Read more.
8. Is laser-assisted cataract surgery safe?
Cataract surgery is recognized as being safe and effective. And laser-assisted cataract surgery offers more precision and less eye trauma, resulting in faster recovery and fewer complications. In Gainesville, Dr. Gregory Snodgrass has performed more than 20,000 cataract surgeries and was the area’s first surgeon to use the revolutionary LenSx system. Read more.
9. What can I do to reduce digital eye strain?
80 percent of U.S. adults use digital devices for two hours or more each day, and 59 percent report experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain. Don’t throw away your computer, just take some simple steps to reduce the impact of all that screen time. Backing away a few inches from your monitor, taking regular breaks and improving nearby lighting are a great start. Read more.
10. How can I tell if my child needs eyeglasses?
Children aren’t likely to tell you if they’re experiencing vision problems. In fact, they may not even realize it, so it’s important for parents to know the warning signs. If your child consistently covers one eye or tilts his head, squints, sits too close to the TV, has trouble concentrating or complains of recurring headaches or eye pain, it could point to a vision problem. Read more.
If you have questions about your eye health, contact the friendly staff at North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care at 352-373-4300. With two convenient Gainesville locations, we’re here to help you see clearly.