by Damion Wasylow
4 May 2020 02:23 AM

All services of North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care re-opened to patients on May 4th, 2020. This decision is in keeping with guidelines of our state and local governments and within the standards provided by health officials.
To ensure the safest environment for patients and staff alike, we are strictly following recommended practices to limit the likelihood of COVID-19 (coronavirus) transmission. To that end, we are implementing the following precautions at all of our locations, including the surgery center:
- Spacing out and staggering appointments to limit waiting room occupancy
- Checking patients’ temperatures before they enter the building
- Providing each patient a mask to wear throughout his or her appointment
- Asking that accompanying drivers remain in their cars during appointments, or we will help patients call their drivers to return following their appointments
We are excited to once again provide the area’s highest level of eyecare, including comprehensive eye exams, optometry services, optical services, treatment of eye diseases and eye surgery, including cataract surgery.
We recognize that some patients may be hesitant to leave their homes or seek services at this time, and that is understandable. We’ll be here when you’re ready. Please just be sure not to overlook a serious condition that could worsen over time. Call 352-373-4300 and talk to one of our friendly associates to determine whether your symptoms and history suggest coming in sooner rather than later.
While these past few weeks have been difficult for so many, we hope this is a turning point. We are excited to get back to work, and excited to help you see clearly again. Contact North Florida Cataract Specialists and Vision Care today.