Dry Eye Symptoms
Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome
Though it may sound strange, some dry-eye sufferers notice that their eyes tear excessively. This process is called reflex tearing and is the eye’s response to irritation. Other dry eye symptoms usually include:
- Stinging or burning
- Scratchiness
- Mucus or "matter" in eyes
- Redness
- Sensation of a foreign body or grittiness
- Excess tearing
- Discomfort when wearing contact lenses
- Sensitivity to light
- Eye fatigue
- Decrease in visual quality (usually worse after reading or looking at TV or computer screen for a period of time)
Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome
Tear film consists of three layers: an oily layer, a watery layer and a layer of mucus. When there is an imbalance in the tear film, a person may experience dry eyes.

Many factors can contribute to dry eye syndrome:
- Hormonal changes and age
- Autoimmune diseases
- Contact lens wear
- Refractive procedures such as LASIK
- Medications
- Environmental irritants, such as smoke, wind, a dry climate, air conditioning
- Corneal scarring or other corneal disorders
- History of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgeries
- Sleeping with oxygen mask or CPAP machine
Schedule Your Dry Eye Consultation Today